Elective subjects about Ukraine at the University of Warsaw

In the fall semester of the 2022/23 academic year, two university-wide optional subjects about Ukraine began at the University of Warsaw.

The first subject - "Ukraine 2022" - presents students with an in-depth analysis of the current Ukrainian-Russian war: its causes, course, reaction of third countries, as well as possible consequences for the region and the world. The head of the subject is the director of the Centre of Eastern Europe (CEE) Jan Malicki, the coordinator is an employee of the CEE’s Centre of Ukrainian Studies Oleksandr Shevchenko. Lectures will be given by leading specialists in political science, history, and military affairs of various countries.

The second subject - "Ukraine. Birth of a Nation" - represents the historical and cultural roots of the Ukrainian people, a story about its formation over the centuries. The head of the subject is Professor Henryk Litvin, the coordinator is Oleksandr Shevchenko. Lectures within the framework of this subject will be given by members of the Centre of the Ukrainian Studies – leading Ukrainian scientists in the field of history, political science, international relations, and cultural studies; Prof Dr Olga Brusylovska, Chief of the Department of International Relations is among them.


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