Ababina Nataliya Vasylivna


PhD in Linguistics,Associate



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  • In 1986 graduated with honor from Bilgorod-Dnistrovsk pedagogical college
  • In 1992 graduated from I.I.Mechnikov Odessa national university with the specialty «Russian language and literature»
  • From 1986 to 2006 worked as a Foreign Literature teacher,from 2001 to 2006 – as a Deputy head teacher,started the work on her PhD thesis.
  • In 2006 approved the qualification «specialist of the highest category» and received a title «teacher-methodologist»
  • From 2007 to 2009 was a senior lecturer on the Foreign Literature Department
  • In 2007 started her postgraduate studies,graduated in 2008
  • In January 2009 defended her PhD thesis on «Prose of A.Chekhov,I.Bunin,O.Kuprin in literary and artistic search of the transition period (the end of 19th-early 20th century)» (specialty 10.01.02-Russian literature)
  • In 2016 acquired a post of an associate professor

Educational activities:

  • History of foreign literature of the 19th century (Romanticism)
  • History of foreign literature of the 19th century (Realism)
  • Methodology of teaching of foreign literature in school
  • Supervises the students’ school teaching practice and the assistantship of masters at the department.
  • Guidance on course papers and master's theses.

Associations membership: Current member of the scientific organization «Center of Ukrainian-European scientific community»

Scientific internship and grants:

  • completed a scientific and pedagogical internship in Maria Sklodowska-Curie University(Lublin,Poland) on the topic : "Philological education of the future: prospective and priority directions of scientific research" in the specialty "philological sciences";
  • completed an internship in South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushynsky on topic: «History of Foreign Literature of the 2-nd half of the 19th century»;

Scientific interests: works on the problem "Synergistic methods of analysis of a work of art", which involves the study of modern synergistic studies that are successfully used in literary studies. She developed new methods of analysis of an artistic work, which do not lend themselves to traditional methods and require a new approach. She developed the selective course "Literature and Synergetics", the purpose of which is to form in students a modern view of the analysis of a work of art as a whole and the figurative characteristics of a specific hero; reveal the concepts of "order - chaos", "regularity - randomness",

"variability of thinking", "circulation", "self-organization of processes", which are successfully projected onto literary material, and to learn with their help to reveal the problem of chaos and instability of the modern world, means of preserving human dignity in chaos, to explore the state of consciousness during the transition from an equilibrium state to critical unbalanced, learn the basic mechanisms of self-organization to achieve success. The material was systematized in the textbook "Literature and Synergetics" (2021).

Main publications:

  1. Абабіна Н.В. Література і синергетика : навч. посіб. Одеса : Фенікс, 2021.152 с.
  2. Абабіна Н.В. Літературна творчість як процес у парадигмі синергетики. Південний архів (філологічні науки). Херсон : ХДУ, 2020. Вип. 81. С. 92-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32999/ksu2663-2691/2020-81-15 (фахове видання)
  3. Абабіна Н.В. Епідемія як хаос у художньому творі (на матеріалі роману Д. Дефо «Щоденник чумного року»). Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія : Філологія. Журналістика. Том 32 (71). № 1. Ч. 3. Київ : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. С. 137-143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32838/2710-4656/2021.1-3/24 (фахове видання)
  4. Абабіна Н.В. Синергетичні виміри інтерпретації роману Марти Холл Келлі «Бузкові дівчата». Південний архів (філологічні науки). Херсон : ХДУ, 2023. Вип. 92. С. 54-62
  5. Абабіна Н.В. Нерівновісні критичні стани у творчій діяльності письменника. Topical issues of the development of modern science : Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 8-10, 2020). Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020. Р. 84-92.
  6. Абабіна Н.В. Суспільство як нелінійна система в художньому творі про епідемію (Д. Дефо «Щоденник чумного року»). The world of science and innovation : Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (10-12 February, 2021). London, United Kingdom, 2021. Р. 270-279.
  7. Абабіна Н.В. Епідемія як хаос у художньому творі. Priority directions of science and technology development : Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (13-15 June, 2021). Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021. P. 695-702.
  8. Абабіна Н.В. Теорія самоорганізації в аналізі художнього твору про епідемії. Innovations and prospects of world science : Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 28-30, 2022). Vancouver, Canada, 2022. P. 591-618.
  9. Абабіна Н.В. Людина в катастрофі : моделі соціальної поведінки у хаотичному режимі. Grail of Science : Proceedings of the III Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 27, 2022). Vinnytsia, Ukraine –Vienna, Austria, 2022. № 14-15. P. 421-428.
  10. Абабіна Н.В. Синергетичний аналіз роману Марти Холл Келлі «Бузкові дівчата». MODERN PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY: III Міжнародна науково-практична конференція (22-24.05.2023). Київ, 2023. С. 1026–1034.


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